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Old School

References to the fencing treatise of Jaime Pons de Perpiñan (ca. 1474)
Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
References to the fencing treatise of Pedro de la Torre (ca. 1474)
Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
Italian translations by Charles Blair
References to the fencing treatise of Francisco Román (ca. 1532)
Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
Early Iberian Fencing
by Tim Rivera
A guide to the extant sources of early Spanish and Portuguese swordplay, and comparisons between the texts.
A Glossary of Common Iberian Fencing
Compiled by Tim Rivera
This covers the terminology of the old style of swordplay in Spain and Portugal from the 15th to the 18th century.
A Brief Comparative Analysis of the Treatise of Henri de Sainct Didier
by Tim Rivera
Comparing the 1573 French publication to contemporary fencing texts, along with its possible connection to early Iberian swordplay.
Detailed Comparative Analysis of Sainct Didier to Lovino, Godinho, and Heredia
by Tim Rivera
Technical comparison of Sainct Didier's treatise to similar Italian, Spanish, and French treatises.

True School

Obligations of the Master and Disciple in Historical European Martial Arts
by Jaime Girona
Advice from an 18th century text on la verdadera destreza