Old School
- References to the fencing treatise of Jaime Pons de Perpiñan (ca. 1474)
- Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
- References to the fencing treatise of Pedro de la Torre (ca. 1474)
- Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
- Italian translations by Charles Blair
- References to the fencing treatise of Francisco Román (ca. 1532)
- Compiled and translated by Tim Rivera
- Early Iberian Fencing
- by Tim Rivera
- A guide to the extant sources of early Spanish and Portuguese swordplay, and comparisons between the texts.
- A Glossary of Common Iberian Fencing
- Compiled by Tim Rivera
- This covers the terminology of the old style of swordplay in Spain and Portugal from the 15th to the 18th century.
- A Brief Comparative Analysis of the Treatise of Henri de Sainct Didier
- by Tim Rivera
- Comparing the 1573 French publication to contemporary fencing texts, along with its possible connection to early Iberian swordplay.
- Detailed Comparative Analysis of Sainct Didier to Lovino, Godinho, and Heredia
- by Tim Rivera
- Technical comparison of Sainct Didier's treatise to similar Italian, Spanish, and French treatises.
True School
- Obligations of the Master and Disciple in Historical European Martial Arts
- by Jaime Girona
- Advice from an 18th century text on la verdadera destreza